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The Best Tips For College Essay Writing

Most college applicants worry that their essay won't stand out among the thousands of other applicants.

While it's normal for students to spend days trying to perfect their application to showcase their unique personality against thousands of other candidates, admission officers only spend about three to seven minutes on your essay.

It is of importance you know that the purpose of the essay is for to reveal your personality and give the admission officers a sense of who you are. In this post, we will be giving you guys good essay tips to help to help you come up with a good essay. It is also worth to note that site like www.essayshark.com can provide you with the best quality writing service that you will need.

1. Outline your writing:
Organizing your work would save you a lot of time and ensure that your workflows well and without frustrations.

First, you need to brain-storm your anecdotes and then create an outline to organize your essay and decide how long each paragraph would be, the number of words, the examples and then get your thoughts and ideas flowing. www.essayshark.com can

2. Be sincere:
Don't pretend to be someone that you aren't. Don't be tempted to write what you think the admission officers want to hear. Write honestly.

3 Don't tell them what matters to you, show them:
The admin officers don't know you personally and are interested in knowing you. Mind you that admission officers are for authenticity and quality of thinking.

In your essay, you will show them your thinking abilities and make them envision your topic as if they are experiencing the same situation alongside you.

4. Be succinct:
The admission officers only have a very short time and don't have all the time in the world each individuals application.

It is important that you say whats relevant succinctly and avoid unnecessary sentences so as to not to bore-off the admin officers.

5. Vocabulary:
Your admission essay should reflect a command of college-level vocabulary. If you are to use advanced vocabulary, always check online for the correct sage and meaning of those words before proceeding with them. You vocabularies shouldn't appear as "almost correct!".

Another point you should take note of in advanced vocabularies is the repetitive usage! Avoid using it at every given opportunity. Use plain language most of the time and then use big grammar only when necessary --- so as to spice up your writing. Believe me, choking up your writing with big grammars at every opportunity makes you look pompous in front of the admission officers. 

6. Proofread, make corrections and get feedback:
After the whole write-up, go through your work and check for spellings, typographical and grammatical errors. I would recommend that you ask someone who hasn't seen it to help you proofread because the person would be more likely to see errors that the person who has been with you throughout the whole write-up.

Next, show your draft to maybe a family member, teacher, friends or maybe someone who knows much about you. The reason for this is because the person would be able to tell if the whole draft sounds like you. Consider their feedback and make changes where possible, but remember to keep your voice!


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