Axis Hitz Opok Wuzz Unlimited Gabung Kpn Uktimate


hay mitra .. gimana kabar hari ini.. masih lancarkah internet gratisnya kawan????
kalo yang masih lancar masih wuzz bagi dong ilmunya hihihi kalo yang gak lancar jangan bersedih ya wkwkwkw.... upzzz wkwkwk
baiklah mitra yang internet gratisnya merasa lagi down banget dapat kalian coba cara ini . yah meskipun tak semantap kartu tri tapi ini juga mantap speed nya disaat genting kaya gini . gak ribet dan sangat mudah
gak kaya telkomsel tuh ribet banyak sunek nya lg di tkp ku . susah cari IP saktinya . mending axis aja .
sambil nunggu tri bs lancar lagi atau kartu yang lain yg lancar tapi tidak ribet kaya tri dan axis .

baiklah eksklusif saja ya ini syarat wajib yg harus kalian punya buat internet gratis yg gak ribet,sipel dan pastinya wuss .okeh yuk kita ambil syaratnya

pertama kalian  harus ounya kartu AXIS HITZ yg gak ada pulsa juga gak ada kuota ya
terus yang kedua kalian harus punya PSIPHON PRO versi 154
yang ketiga niscaya kalian sudah punya kan yakni KPN ULTIMATE

baiklah ini saya kasih LINK PSIPHON PRO V.154 LINK DOWNLOAD

baiklah kalo sudah download kalian tinggal instal dan klik star tunggu .
kalo belum mode pesawat hidupin lagi niscaya eksklusif konek
coba ke youtube rasakan kecepatanya . kalo belum puas kalian dapat gabungin sama KPN ultimate

kalo gak tau cara gabungin PSIPHON samaKPN ULTIMATE kalian dapat liat saja videoku ini


baiklah selamat mencoba ya
biar bermanfaat ya
jangan lupa subscribe



Cara Tetring Internet Gratis Injector Atau Kpn Ultimate Ke Android Tanpa Root


kini tinggal tetring internet gratis kita ke android yg lain, ke android teman mungkin supaya tau rasanya internet gratis,,
yuk kita simak caranya
menyerupai biasa materi yang wajib kalian punya harus di download dulu
apa sih bahanya hihi KEPPPOOOO wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkw

nih bahanya praktis saya kasih tau namanya ya . namanya ialah ........
PROXY SERVER waow prok prok prok
kalian dapat download di PLAYSTORE atau DISINI

Setelah kalian download kalian harus mengaturnya dulu ya
pertama buka app proxy servernya trus klik tanda tambah atau ADD dan pilih PROXY SERVER
sesudah itu isikan SERVER NAME terserah  mau nama apa dan RUN ON PORT kalian isikan 9999
menyerupai ini

sesudah itu klik RULES di sebelah kanan atas kemudian klik tanda tambah lagi atau ADD
nah disitu kalian isi
centang match the host only on lowercase
menyerupai gambar ini

sesudah itu klik tombol kembali dan pilih yes
klik kembali lagi dan pilih yes lagi

nah kalo sudah klik star . oia hospot nya hidupun dulu ya

ok kalo sudah buka wifi hp yg mau di konekin tapi jangan konekin dulu ya
caranya gini masukan kata sandinya
trus kebawah kan ada tampilkan opsi lanjutan nah itu di centang kaya gambar ini

sesudah di centang kalian kebawah dan klik pilihan proksi dan pilih manual

disitu kalian isi menyerupai ini


kalo sudah diisi klik sambung
okeh jadikan dia dong... kalo galau kalian dapat liat videoku disini supaya jelas

sepakat sekian dari saya semoga bermanfaat dan hingga jumpa di tutorial selanjutnya


Axis Hitz Fullspeed Terbaru Gabung 3 Aplikasi


hay mitra .. selamat pagi selamat sore dan selamat  malam
dimanapun kalian berada biar dalam keadaan sehat dan senang .
oia mitra saya gres saja mencoba menggabungkan 3 aplikasi buat kartu axis hitz opok
biasa kenapa q gabungin , yah karna kurang puas dengan kecepatan axis yg ketika ini wkwkwk
tapi alhamdulillah saya sangat bersukur banget masih dapat mencicipi nikmatnya internet gratis heheh

baiklah pribadi saja ya gak usah basa basi
disini saya mau ngasih tau satu dari tiga aplikasi yang saya gabungin tadi
kayaknya banyak yang belum tau aplikasi yang satu ini wkwwkwkwkwk
baiklah mau tau aplikasinya apa??????????
hayoooo ngaku wkwkwkw
KEPO ya wkwkwkwkwk

aplikasinya adalah?????? emmmm kasih tau gak ya wkwkwk
kalo dikasih tau niscaya gak mau subscribe chanel youtube ku ,.huh
ya udah deh ,, karna saya orangnya baik jadi saya kasih tau buat kalian
biar sadar yg sukses make cara ku mau subscribe chanelku AAMIIN...

HEHEHE  khusus buat kalian saya akan kasih tau nama aplikasi yang satu ini
emm namanya apa ya hayo tebak wkwkwk
namanya adalaaaaaaahhhh.

belum pada tau ya hihi q juga gres pake cari cari di google playstore yang komen  responya baik hihi
dan aplikasi ini juga sudah saya coba dan kesudahannya mantap abis mitra berani di tabrak deh sama yg gak pake dns changer
kalo aplikasi yg 2 pastinya kalian udah pada tau semua ,, mau tau juga gak yang 2 ini apa hihi
nih catat ya

untuk DNS CHANGER kalian dapat download di google playstore  atau DISINI

untuk PSIPHON PRO VERSI 154 kalian dapat download di catatan tutorialku yang kemarin
dan ubtuk cara gabungin aplikas PSIPHON PRO ,KPN ULTIMATE dan DNS CHANGER
kalian dapat tonton caranya divideoku ini

baiklah mungkin itu saja trik dari saya
biar bermanfaat jangan lupa

biar dapat membantu



Cara Memakai Kuota Videomax Telkomsel Menjadi Kuota Flash Reguler


halo mitra . bagaimana dengan kabar internet gratis hari ini ..
lancar kah atau mungkin sunek wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
semoga saja masih lancar ya .

baiklah kali ini aku mau bagikan tutorial supaya yang pake telkomsel yang ada kuota vidmaxnya gak mubazir
biasanya kalo beli kartu yang ada kuotanya kebanyakan kan ada videomaxnya ya . supaya sanggup berkhasiat bagi nusa dan bangsa hari ini aku akan bagi tutorialnya dan khusus buat kalian yang sudah mau mampir ke halamanku.

baiklah yang perlu kalian tau aku disini sudah buktikan dan benar work100%
dan yang perlu kalian tau , sya sanggup kartu simpati ini dari kartu bekas punya temanku yang katanya sudah habis kuota
dan pas sya cek ada kuota vidmaxnya 11gb wow banget kan mitra lumayan  rejeki anak soleh wkwkwk

buat kalian yang mungkin punya temen dan temenya pake kartu simpati, sanggup kalian coba kali aja belum kala tenggang dan kali aja ada bonus kuota vidmaxnya.
cara cek kuota vidmax nya kalian tinggal ketik *363# dan pilih cek status
nanti kalian akan sanggup sms isu kuota kalian

baiklah hingga disini terperinci tidak???

baiklah kalo sudah terperinci lanjut ke tutorial nya
disini kalian wajib punya aplikasi ANONYTUN
untuk aplikasinya kalian sanggup download di google playstore kalian
atau kalo mau versi yang pro kalian sanggup download aplikasinya disini

kalo kalian sudah download kini saatnya kalian atur ANONYTUN nya supaya sanggup makan kuota vidmax kalian,
pengen tau cara mengaturnya ??? yuk simak dan ikutin caranya ya

 buka aplikasinya
 klik goresan pena buka vpn di pojok atas sebelah kanan ,lalu klik atau aktifkan setelan VPN ON?OFF
 setelah itu kalian rubah setelan protocol menjadi SSL dan isikan 443
 setelah itu kalian centang header TCP/HTTP kustom dan klik PENGHASIL PAYLOAD menyerupai di gambar

kalo sudah kalian isi URL/HOST dengan goresan pena
kalo sudah kalian ubah metodo de solicitud menjadi GET
dan metodo de inyeccion menjadi FRONT INJECT
sehabis itu kalian centang KEEP-ALIVE
dan klik GENERAR  lalu klik SAVE

kalo sudah kalian klik lagi atau aktifin PENGATURAN SSL CANGGIH   kalo sudah kalian klik PENGATURAN SSL MENGEDIT

 nah disitu kalian centang TRUE SSL [anti dpi]  dan SPOOF HOST:PORT
nah disitu kalian isi SPOOF HOST dengan ini PLAY.SUPERSOCCER.TV
dan  SPOOF PORT dengan 443  klik okkaya digambar ini

kalo sudah kita klik SAVE

Ok kalo sudah eksklusif saja klik CONNECT

Kalo gak terhubung terhubung kalian mode pesawat aja
lebih jelasnya kalian sanggup tonton videku dari awal hingga simpulan supaya sanggup menghasilkan speed yang wuzz abis   ini videonya

mungkin sekian dari aku selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat



Config Axis Opok Kpn Ultimate Full Speed


Hay mitra bagaimana kabar hari ini , baik ya pastinya,,
Kali ini aku tidak akan membagi kan aplikasi
Sya disini hanya akan membagika config AXIShitz full speed buat kalian
tapi kalo tanya limit aku belum coba alasannya ialah ini juga aku gres buat,
jadi nanti kalian sanggup cek sendiri sendiri smoga saja sanggup banyak ya,

disini gak usah panjang lebar ya ini langsun saja aku bagikan confignya buat kalian kawan

Link download ada di deskripsi video ya

silahkan di coba HANA ANISAnya bang



Kode Dial Telkomsel 70.000 Sanggup 30Gb


hay mitra , jumpa lagi di tutorialku yang sederhana tapi banyak membantu
kali ini aku mau membagikan trik untuk telkomsel
adalah KUOTA 30 GB hanya dengan harga 70.000 rupiah saja
mungkin dari kalian sudah banyak yang tau ya,,
tapi kali aja masih banyak juga yang belum tau jadi disini aku akan bagigan instruksi dial nya,,

baiklah eksklusif saja, disini aku memakai kartu SIMPATI bekas paketan yang sudah habis kuotanya
kalo kalian punya kartu simpati sanggup di coba
kalian ke hidangan telepon
dan ketikkan


disitu ada tulisan

pilih paket internet handal berkualitas :
1. 12GB
2. 30GB {mulai Rp70rb}
3. Info

kalian pilih saja no 3 dan lanjut pilih beli
kalo belum tau kalian sanggup simak videoku ini

tapi disini kuotanya di bagi bagi ya.

500 MB paket flash
5 GB 4G
13 GB {00-07}
10 GB kuota videomax

dan kalian juga sanggup pulsa telkomsel 20.000 lo, senengkan

niscaya kalian resah ya KUOTA VIDMAX nya mau buat ngapain

damai saja kuota vidmax sanggup kita jadikan kuota FLASH

pengen tau caranya silahkan baca di tutorialku sebelumnya
silahkan klik dibawah kalian mau tau caranya merubah kuota videomax jadi FLASH


baiklah mungkin sekian dari saya



Raid: Free Unlimited Internet Trick Raid Update For Sa, Zm, Ky And Camtel Cameroon Free Unlimited Internet Trick

Hello guys, its still the free Internet raid trick but before we proceed to the trick of the day, i will have to update you guys on the happenings and the next tricks that i would post before wrapping up this Raid.

I haven't posted any free Internet trick due to me not having the time. However, i hope to drop free tricks for users in Congo, Mozambique, Comoros, Romania and some other regions.To wrap up the free Internet trick raid, i will then create for South Africa, Zambia and maybe Kenya. I hope to create to the time and create tricks for those regions that i just mentioned.

Now back to the trick of the day, this Camtel free unlimited Internet is currently blazing hot right now and its easy to configure for it to work on any device that has a web browser. A tunneling app is recommended for those whose platform have one. Those whose platform doesn't can just tap the settings and use it direct.

Kindly click here to join our Telegram channel for more free unlimited trick update and then follow the below procedure to enjoy the trick.

1. A Camtel simc ard
2. Your browsing device
3. A tunneling app for better performance (find link to download app below)
4. The configurations

1. Click here to download the tunneling app of your choice
2. Open the app and then install.
3. Configure this way:
    Port: 8080
    Host: click her to access host
4. When you are done configuring all the above, connect and enjoy free unlimited Internet access.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only! You are responsible for your actions and usage of it. Techfoe only drop such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities.

Cameroon free unlimited Internet trick, Orange 2018 unlimited Internet trick on Psiphon, Mtn psiphon free unlimited Internet trick and cheat, CellC freenet 2018 June.

Myheritage Suffers Massive Hack, Over 92 Million Users Data Exposed

 Isreali DNA and genealogy website, MyHeritage, has suffered a massive data breach in which logins and passwords of 92 million customers who signed up for the service up to October 26,2017 were stolen during the attack.

According to reports, the breach was discovered by a private security researcher who reported the incident to the company who then made it public after an in-dept analysis.

Also Read: Hacker Hijacks Police Radio Broadcast, Plays F**K Tha Police For Days

"We believe the intrusion is limited to the user email address," Chief Information Security Officer of My Heritage Omer Deutsch said in a blog post. "Other types of sensitive data such as family trees and DNA data are stored by MyHeritage on segregated systems, separate from those that store email addresses, and they include added layers of security."

According to the statement, data such as family trees and DNA data are stored on a separate computer and there hasn't been any sign that those computers were compromised.

 It is unclear those who were behind the attack nor has there been any indication that the compromised data was ever used for malicious purposes. However, MyHeritage has hired a Cybersecurity firm to investigate further the cause of the breach.

To strengthen users login, MyHeritage plans to introduce two-factor authentication feature to avoid future occurrence of such incident. The company is also urging its users to change their passwords and avoid using the same password paraphrase for multiple online services or websites. 

800,000 Facebook Users Affected In Another Facebook Bug Frenzy!!

 Social media giant Facebook has admitted that more than 800,000 users on its platform were hit by a bug that temporarily unblocked people whom some users had blocked on the platform.

Facebook has several privacy settings, one which includes blocking certain users on the platform from connecting with certain users. Once a user has been blocked by another on Facebook, the blocked user won't be able to post, message or view things from the other persons wall. Blocking automatically unfriends the blocked user.

"Starting today we are notifying over 800,000 users about a bug in Facebook and Messenger that unblocked some people they had blocked," Facebook said in a critical security bug exposed about 14 million users private posts to the public. Though the social media giant has said that the issue has been fixed and those who were unblocked due to the bug has been blocked again, it still says those who were affected will get a notification on Facebook encouraging them to check their blocked list.

800,000 Facebook Users Affected In Another Facebook Bug Frenzy!!

 Social media giant Facebook has admitted that more than 800,000 users on its platform were hit by a bug that temporarily unblocked people whom some users had blocked on the platform.

Facebook has several privacy settings, one which includes blocking certain users on the platform from connecting with certain users. Once a user has been blocked by another on Facebook, the blocked user won't be able to post, message or view things from the other persons wall. Blocking automatically unfriends the blocked user.

"Starting today we are notifying over 800,000 users about a bug in Facebook and Messenger that unblocked some people they had blocked," Facebook said in a critical security bug exposed about 14 million users private posts to the public. Though the social media giant has said that the issue has been fixed and those who were unblocked due to the bug has been blocked again, it still says those who were affected will get a notification on Facebook encouraging them to check their blocked list.

Here Are The Strangest Find On Google Maps

Ever since the launch of Google Street View in 2017, so many funny scenes, bizarre and all kind of scenes that you can imagine have been captured around the globe.

Google Street View is a technology featured in Google maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic views from positions along streets in the world.

The Maps service offers users the ability to discover remote locations and explore places that are sometimes unreachable.

From armed masked men in Mexico to Couples having s*x by the roadside, you will be surprise to even find more hilarious and crazy moments captured by the popular mapping service.

In this post, we will take a look at some photos captured by the mapping service

                                   Armed masked people caught on Google Maps in Mexico

                                                   A man carrying a sex doll on the street
                                          A creepy looking "Alien" spotted on Google Maps

                                               A Couple caught having s*x on Google Map

                                                 A group of people undergoing routine check

                                          A scary looking flock of pigeon people

                                                  A fake murder shown on Google Maps

                                                              A man climbing out of a car

Google Street View has expanded in several cities in the United States and other countries around the world. Its expansion includes cities and rural areas around the world.

Photographs on Google Street View are done by Cars, trekkers, tricyles, walking boats, snowmobiles, and underwater apparatus.

Android Users Can Now Send Text Messages From Computer Browsers

Android Message app is getting its own browser-based web service just as it is on Whatsapp and Telegram web.

 The Google app will let users to read and send messages directly from their web browser over the Internet on their PC. This is made possible when the user connect their smartphone to a web browser on a computer.

How To Use Android Message on PC/ Desktop
  •  Visit
  •  A QR code will appear on the web page which you are to scan to activate the service on your browser
  • When you are done with the QR code scanning, your Android mobile Message app will have already paired with the web client. 

You can now enjoy the comfort of a large keyboard and a big screen to reply your messages. Before pairing your PC and your mobile device, it is advisable to be on an unlimited Internet plan or be connected using a WiFi network so as to save cost.

In addition to the regular texts, Android Messages also supports RCS messaging. Google added this feature to let Android users send and receive message containing pictures, videos and other multimedia contents. Though, some mobile operators around the world are yet to support the feature.

Android users can get the Android Messages app from the PlayStore for free. Click here to download Android Messages.

Pubg Mobile Beta Now Available For Android, Lets You Try Unreleased Features

Tencent Games has released a Beta PUBG Mobile for Android users who love to try out new upcoming features before their official release.

Android Police, the Beta PUBG Mobile includes an Arcade Mode - War, a new faster version of the Arcade Mode. A new weapon - the SLR sniper rifle will be included. Another feature called the Portable Closet will be included too. This Portable Closet will allow users to change their clothes during a match. However, do note that the match do not pause when a player is about to change their clothes. You are to stay in a safe spot to avoid being taken out by another player.

Also Read: GTA V Rakes In $6 Billion, Makes More Money Than Any Game or Movie In History

This beta version doesn't support in-app purchases as there is no sign-in process for the users to save their progress since this is meant for testing purposes. Another noticeable difference in the beta version is the change of the main hidangan design. Tools like map viewfinder, game mode and others are among the few changes in the beta version.

While Beta PUBG Mobile is still in the test stage, Android users are also eagerly waiting for Fortnite, another battle royale that heavily competes with PUBG. Though PUBG is availabble on Both Android and iOS, Fortnite is available for iOS for now and has only half the download of what PUBG has but on the other hand, Fortnite has earned almost five times what PUBG has.

Hola Vpn Chrome Extension Hacked To Steal Crypto-Currency From Myetherwallet Users Purse

Hola VPN's Chrome Extension has suffered a hack that targets MyEtherWallet users crypto currency.

MyEtherWallet (MEW), a cryptocurrency management platform known for providing crypto-currency storage wallets, and also the sending and receiving of token between wallets, is suffering a hack for the second time this year.

According to report, Hola VPN, a popular virtual private network provider with over 50 million users got compromised in a breach for five hours. MEW, however, noticed the breach with the VPN provider and quickly notified its users using the VPN extension to stop using it and quickly transfer their funds to a new account so as to prevent their crypto currency from being stolen.

"Urgent! If you have Hola chrome extension installed and used MEW within the last 24hrs, please transfer your funds immediately to a merk new account!," a tweet from MEW read.

"We received a report that suggest Hola chrome extension was hacked for approxmately 5 hrs and the attack was logging your activity on MEW," the crypto-currency management platform later added.

Though MEW itself wasn't hacked, the tweet explained that Hola VPN was hacked for five hours which was enough for the hacker(s) to monitor activities of MEW users via the extension and carry out any malicious activity.

MEW users who don't have Hola VPN extension installed don't have anything to worry since the breach was as a result of the fake VPN extension.

A statement from Hola in rergards to the hack read;

"Yesterday our deployment team discovered that the Hola Chrome extension which was live for a few hours was not the one that our development team uploaded to the Chrome Store. After an initial investigation, we found that our Google Chrome tore account was compromised and that a hacker uploaded a modified version of the extension to the store."

Hola explained that after carrying out an investigation into what the hackers were after, they discovered that MEW users were the primary sasaran of the hack.

"Within a few hours, we determined that the sasaran of the attack was MEW ( - the crypto wallet website, and the attack was programmed to inject a JavaScript tag in to the MEW site to "phish" information about MEW accounts that are logging in without being 'incognito mode', by re-directing the MEW users to the hacker's website," Hola said.

Hola said they notified MEW and Google and ensured that the hacker's web site was brought down. The VPN service provider then went forth to assure users that their online safety was their number one priority and thus, nothing  would have gone wrong if they hackers hadn't interected with the Chrome extension in the past days.

Pubg Mobile Beta Now Available For Android, Lets You Try Unreleased Features

Tencent Games has released a Beta PUBG Mobile for Android users who love to try out new upcoming features before their official release.

Android Police, the Beta PUBG Mobile includes an Arcade Mode - War, a new faster version of the Arcade Mode. A new weapon - the SLR sniper rifle will be included. Another feature called the Portable Closet will be included too. This Portable Closet will allow users to change their clothes during a match. However, do note that the match do not pause when a player is about to change their clothes. You are to stay in a safe spot to avoid being taken out by another player.

Also Read: GTA V Rakes In $6 Billion, Makes More Money Than Any Game or Movie In History

This beta version doesn't support in-app purchases as there is no sign-in process for the users to save their progress since this is meant for testing purposes. Another noticeable difference in the beta version is the change of the main hidangan design. Tools like map viewfinder, game mode and others are among the few changes in the beta version.

While Beta PUBG Mobile is still in the test stage, Android users are also eagerly waiting for Fortnite, another battle royale that heavily competes with PUBG. Though PUBG is availabble on Both Android and iOS, Fortnite is available for iOS for now and has only half the download of what PUBG has but on the other hand, Fortnite has earned almost five times what PUBG has.

Hola Vpn Chrome Extension Hacked To Steal Crypto-Currency From Myetherwallet Users Purse

Hola VPN's Chrome Extension has suffered a hack that targets MyEtherWallet users crypto currency.

MyEtherWallet (MEW), a cryptocurrency management platform known for providing crypto-currency storage wallets, and also the sending and receiving of token between wallets, is suffering a hack for the second time this year.

According to report, Hola VPN, a popular virtual private network provider with over 50 million users got compromised in a breach for five hours. MEW, however, noticed the breach with the VPN provider and quickly notified its users using the VPN extension to stop using it and quickly transfer their funds to a new account so as to prevent their crypto currency from being stolen.

"Urgent! If you have Hola chrome extension installed and used MEW within the last 24hrs, please transfer your funds immediately to a merk new account!," a tweet from MEW read.

"We received a report that suggest Hola chrome extension was hacked for approxmately 5 hrs and the attack was logging your activity on MEW," the crypto-currency management platform later added.

Though MEW itself wasn't hacked, the tweet explained that Hola VPN was hacked for five hours which was enough for the hacker(s) to monitor activities of MEW users via the extension and carry out any malicious activity.

MEW users who don't have Hola VPN extension installed don't have anything to worry since the breach was as a result of the fake VPN extension.

A statement from Hola in rergards to the hack read;

"Yesterday our deployment team discovered that the Hola Chrome extension which was live for a few hours was not the one that our development team uploaded to the Chrome Store. After an initial investigation, we found that our Google Chrome tore account was compromised and that a hacker uploaded a modified version of the extension to the store."

Hola explained that after carrying out an investigation into what the hackers were after, they discovered that MEW users were the primary sasaran of the hack.

"Within a few hours, we determined that the sasaran of the attack was MEW ( - the crypto wallet website, and the attack was programmed to inject a JavaScript tag in to the MEW site to "phish" information about MEW accounts that are logging in without being 'incognito mode', by re-directing the MEW users to the hacker's website," Hola said.

Hola said they notified MEW and Google and ensured that the hacker's web site was brought down. The VPN service provider then went forth to assure users that their online safety was their number one priority and thus, nothing  would have gone wrong if they hackers hadn't interected with the Chrome extension in the past days.

Unlimited Free Internet Trick Via Dns For Orange Morocco Users

Todays free unlimited Internet trick is for Techfoe readers in Morocco on the Orange network. Scroll down and read below.

As the heading states, this trick makes use of DNS to provide its users free Internet access. This trick makes use of Slow DNS for Android and TunnelGuru app for PC to render this free Internet service to Orange users.

Configuring this app is simple and doesn't require any cumbersome procedure. The settings are straight forward and not difficult for both Android and PC as you wouldn't need any Username or Password if you are a free user. Follow the below procedures and enjoy the trick while it lasts.

Click here to join our Telegram channel for more free unlimited Internet trick update.

1. Your Orange Morocco Sim card
2. Ensure to have zero data and credit balance on the sim card
3. Your Android or PC
4. Your DNS app (You can find link to download the app below)
5. Patience

1. Click here to download the slow DNS app or here to download TunnelGuru for PC
2. Install and then open the app, and then configure using the below settings:
    Username and Password: Don't touch this part
    Server: select any server of your choice
    DNS Server:
    Choose TXT: Response not encoded
    Next, type 250 in the Lport and 20 in the Rport
    Click on connect
3. Wait for some time for your DNS app to connect. It might connect instantly or maybe take a while for it to connect. If it doesn't connect or complain that the server is full, change your server and retry and enjoy free Internet access.

Slow DNS has a daily limit for free users, however, users can get free unlimited Internet access when they upgrade to a premium account.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only. You are responsible on how you use it. Techfoe only drop such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities!

Slow DNS free unlimited Internet access Morocco, TunnelGuru 2018 free unlimited Internet access, 4G unlimited hack free net, CellC and MTN free unlimited internet access for August, Psiphon free net 2018.

Unlimited Free Internet Trick Via Dns For Tnt Philippines

Just like the first free Internet trick i posted some few minutes ago, this free Internet trick also uses the tunneling protocol to provide TNT users in Philippines free Internet access.
This free (unlimited) Internet access is for TNT Philippine users and it makes use of the Slow DNS app to provide for Android users the free Internet access, while for PC it makes use of TunnelGuru for PC.

Configuring this app is simple and doesn't require any cumbersome procedure. The settings are straight forward and not difficult for both Android and PC as you wouldn't need any Username or Password if you are a free user. Follow the below procedures and enjoy the trick while it lasts.

Click here to join our Telegram channel for more free unlimited Internet trick update.

1. Your Philippine TNT Sim card
2. Ensure to have zero data and credit balance on the sim card
3. Your Android or PC
4. Your DNS app (You can find link to download the app below)
5. Patience

1. Click here to download the slow DNS app or here to download TunnelGuru for PC
2. Install and then open the app, and then configure using the below settings:
    Username and Password: Don't touch this part
    Server: select any server of your choice
    DNS Server: or or TunnelGuru.DNS.Server 
    Choose TXT: Response not encoded
    Next, type 275 in the Lport and 20 in the Rport
    Click on connect
3. Wait for some time for your DNS app to connect. It might connect instantly or maybe take a while for it to connect. If it doesn't connect or complain that the server is full, change your server and retry and enjoy free Internet access.

Slow DNS has a daily limit for free users, however, users can get free unlimited Internet access when they upgrade to a premium account.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only. You are responsible on how you use it. Techfoe only drop such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities!

Slow DNS free unlimited Internet access TNT Philippines, TunnelGuru 2018 free unlimited Internet access, 4G unlimited hack free net, CellC and MTN free unlimited Internet access for August, Psiphon free net 2018.

Microsoft Is Working On An Android Powered Device And Might Release It Any Soon

Amid growing news of Microsoft releasing a foldable dual screen device codenamed Andromeda, latest news from Microsoft is paying you to use Bing search

Microsoft stopped producing its mobile OS last year, with Windows 10 Mobile being its last major update. Ever since then, Microsoft has been releasing builds with security and bug fixes with no update or new extra features.

For now, this news has to be taken with a pinch of salt as Microsoft still has the Andromeda project on. Aside from that, the Microsoft employee didn't say anything regarding the specification or whatsoever.

Microsoft Is Working On An Android Powered Device And Might Release It Any Soon

Amid growing news of Microsoft releasing a foldable dual screen device codenamed Andromeda, latest news from Microsoft is paying you to use Bing search

Microsoft stopped producing its mobile OS last year, with Windows 10 Mobile being its last major update. Ever since then, Microsoft has been releasing builds with security and bug fixes with no update or new extra features.

For now, this news has to be taken with a pinch of salt as Microsoft still has the Andromeda project on. Aside from that, the Microsoft employee didn't say anything regarding the specification or whatsoever.

New Instagram Test Allows Public Account To Remove Followers

Instagram is working on a new feature that allow public account users to remove followers. This feature has been around for private account holders and it is now making its way for public accounts

Though Instagram has confirmed that it's testing an option to remove followers while maintaining a public account, Instagram however, refused to share details regarding the feature. The little we know of this feature is that the Instagram app informs those testing that it won't notify those the user decides to remove their list of followers.

Lately, the Facebook owned company has been trying trying to give users more control over their account so as to retain its users. By rolling out some of this features, the rate of online harassment or too-frequent notification will be controlled or drastically reduced in some way. Sometime in May 2018, Instagram rolled out a mute feature that allows users to continue following someone but avoid their post or stories.

With this new feature, Instagram hopes to give public account users more control of who follows them instead of being forced to switched to a private account.

To check if you got the new feature, users are to go to their profile and then tap on followers, and then tap on three vertical dots which will then bring up a prompt to remove the person. There you will either click on cancel to ignore, or remove to kick the person.

Ubisoft Games Suffers Massive Ddos Attacks, Servers Goes Offline

France based video game publisher Ubisosft on Tuesday, July 17th 2018 suffered several series of DDoS attacks (distributed denial-of-service) which sent several of their gaming servers offline.

A DDoS attack occurs when an attacker(s) send junk traffic from multiple systems to flood the bandwidth or resource of a targeted system so as to force it offline. The targeted system or server at the receiving end usually gets knocked out when their resource have been exhausted while trying to handle the overwhelming traffic.

Ubisoft acknowldegd the DDoS attack which knocked out several of their servers including Ghost Recon Wildlands. However, Honor and Far Cry 5 were facing connectivity issues.

A Tweet from Ubisoft's customer support Twitter handle confirmed the outage and said they were working on to mitigate the attacks.

"We're currently monitoring DDoS attacks impacting Ubisoft services and causing players to be unable to connect to games. The attacks are focused on our games connections and server latency, which we are working on mitigating. Thank you for your patience as we resolve this," the tweet read.
As of now, it is still unclear who was behind the attack or what their motive for the was. However, during the attack, concerned users kept asking questions, of which one user asked if the DDoS attack posed any risk to their personal information or if there was need for them to change their password.

In response, Ubisoft said, "We haven't had any indications that any information would be at risk." DDoS attack is the result of multiple compromised systems (botnet) which are used in flooding the victim with junk traffic.

Also Read: Teenager who hacked Donald Trump, Clinton, Obama, CIA, FBI and others gets prison sentence

The aim of a DDoS attack is to send the targeted system offline. DDoS attack do not pose any risk to users data unless the attacker has already had access to their system via another means.

A tweet from Ubisoft later in the day suggest the company was able to resolve and restore the service outage.

"Thanks for the update! This situation is now resolved, and we are continuing to monitor the situation," the tweet read.

New Instagram Test Allows Public Account To Remove Followers

Instagram is working on a new feature that allow public account users to remove followers. This feature has been around for private account holders and it is now making its way for public accounts

Though Instagram has confirmed that it's testing an option to remove followers while maintaining a public account, Instagram however, refused to share details regarding the feature. The little we know of this feature is that the Instagram app informs those testing that it won't notify those the user decides to remove their list of followers.

Lately, the Facebook owned company has been trying trying to give users more control over their account so as to retain its users. By rolling out some of this features, the rate of online harassment or too-frequent notification will be controlled or drastically reduced in some way. Sometime in May 2018, Instagram rolled out a mute feature that allows users to continue following someone but avoid their post or stories.

With this new feature, Instagram hopes to give public account users more control of who follows them instead of being forced to switched to a private account.

To check if you got the new feature, users are to go to their profile and then tap on followers, and then tap on three vertical dots which will then bring up a prompt to remove the person. There you will either click on cancel to ignore, or remove to kick the person.


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