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How To Make Your Shell Undetectable By Uploaders And Types Of Uploaders

Today Almost Every Hacker Use shell to gain full access to the website or server as security is going to be patched day to day and hacktivism must also be upgraded today our topic is how can we make our shell undetectable by shell detecting scripts which dont allow us to upload our shell on the server.

Their are two mostly 3 types of shell scanning scripts now a days

1) The script which detect the shell from the shell extension like in image uploader .php extenuation is not allowed in this shell can beuploaded using tamper data or live http headers technique.

2.In this script it scans the shell source code if its source code is malicious or contacting any other extension script like <php it will not allow you to upload the shell by scanning source  of shell even if it is named as shell.png to make it undetected you have to add gif source in your shell to do this add GIF89a; in the top of your shell code in starting of the shell so when the uploader scans shells source it sees the gif source code and will allow your shell to be uploaded 

3.In this script it scans the both extention and source code too in order to make it more undetectable you must make it encrypted there are many online sites that convert the source code encrypted e.g : http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/encrypt/ and so the uploader will become blind and unable to scan your shell almost.

Article By Sniper haxXx


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