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Hack Joomla And Wordpress|

Hello my friends today i will show you a good method to hack Joomla & Wordpress it's not an exploit because exploits of joomla & Wordpress most of them are in the Components & Plugins example  and you can also find also other exploits like privilege escalation or restoring password admin with the token code , etc ....... many many exploits now i will show you a nice method ^_^

First we gonna use the best searcher better than google cause it doesn't filter your searching i mean google doesn't show you all about hacking ^_^

First thing click on Tumunu isaretle to select all methods and in the black case write your dorks you can put many dorks in the same time.

Then go to the second hidangan Tarama then click on  Taramaya Basla when the research finish click on kaydet and save the file text we gonna need after.

For example i want to hack some websites of Israel using joomla or Wordpress what are the dorks ?

For Joomla

site:il com_user.israel
site:il option=
site:il templates/beez/
site:il template/atomic
site:il com_user.shalom
site:il com_user.shalit

For Wordpress

site:il wp-content
site:il powered by wordpress
site:il wp-content/themes
site:il wp-content/plugins
site:il ?p= wordpress

After that we gonna use the best cracker ^_^

Don't forget when hacking joomla select Joomla if Wordpress select also Wordpress this cracker is combined and very fast, now how to use very simple you need to use a simple wordlist.

Click on sifre kelimelistesi to select you password list and click on Site ekle to select the websites list that we found we the searcher then click on Basla to start attacking ^_^

I uploaded for you the programs here Download also i added for you a simple good password list

Enjoy ;)

Mauritania Attacker.


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