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After 4 Years Of Man Hunt, Google Maps Help Cops Arrest Notorious Masturbator

Queensland police, Australia, have arrested an alleged "serial masturbator" who have been constituting a nuisance to residents living around the Brisbane area for the past 4 years.

The 43-year-old man who is a resident of Eaton Hills, was arrested with the help of Google Maps. The man is said to have embarked on a "masturbating spree" between 2015 to 2019 and was seen wandering the streets of Brisbane as he performed the indecent act causing unease among residents.

According to Australian news outlet news.com.au, the man also performed the indecent act in other places. In fact, the man wandered one particular street in Windsor (which was maybe one of his favourite spot) so often within the past 4 years that in July 2017 Google Street View car even caught a glimpse of him.

However, despite numerous complaints from residents and other concerned citizens, the police were unable to get hold of the man for the past 4 years until just recent.

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The Queensland police are appealing to the public for further information, considering the lengthy time frame which means there could be more other victims who haven't reported the case.

The police also released the photo of the man taken by Google Street View in Windsor street during one of his sprees, with the hopes that the mans outfit might make other victims recollect.

"It could be possible more offences have ocuured over the extended time frame ... what we're doing is appealing to the public to see if they notice the outfit and they might be able to piece together an incident," a Queensland police said. Adding that that "given the time frame, it would be understandable if there were more victims."

The man is said to be Caucasian, of proportional build, around 180 centimetres tall, and with brown hair and blue eyes.

The police have slammed 24 counts of indecent acts upon the man who is due to appear in the Brisbane Magistrate Court on February 11.


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